Winter 2002     Vol. 10, Issue 1

Since its formation in 1990,CECHE has spearheaded more than 30 major projects emphasizing the use of mass media and information technology for health promotion and disease prevention.
These efforts have been accomplished in partnership with scientists, journalists, media organizations, educators, nonprofits and policy-makers from over 100 organizations in 16 countries, including Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Asia and the United States.

In 2000,CECHE adopted a partnership agenda that focuses on providing seed grants and strategic assistance to catalyze projects rather than taking sole charge of implementing them. The projects in the Czech Republic and India that are described in this issue of the MONITOR and the Monitor itself, which is co-produced with WHO, reflect our partnership agenda and CECHE ’s continuing dedication to public health promotion and to empowering underserved communities worldwide to enhance their quality of life.

Center for Communications, Health and the Environment
4437 Reservoir Road, NW, Washington, DC 20007
Tel: (202) 965-5990 . Fax: (202) 965-5996